Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Classic Star Wars

If you are a Star Wars fan of a certain comments about my age please...then there are certain things that invoke a strong sense of nostalgia when you see them. Recently, I found a Facebook page that is filled with such things; Classic Star Wars ( )

This for example:

This is a scan of a page from the 1979 Sears Christmas Wishbook. I have no idea where they found a 1979 Christmas catalog, but this sure brought back a lot of memories!

For younger readers, the Christmas catalog was how we picked out toys to ask Santa for for Christmas back in the day. Think of it as the Internet on paper.

I can remember spending hours pouring over the Wishbook when it came each fall. Looking at this one page, I sure wish I had that Cantina diorama now, it would probably pay my heating bill the rest of the winter! (Yeah, as if I could actually sell it...but I digress)

If you remember all the fun and excitement of the original trilogy, or as we called it back then, Star Wars, then you will appreciate all the posts and I am sure you will see something you remember loving as a kid. Thanks, Classic Star Wars for bringing back parts of my childhood.

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