Monday, January 14, 2013

I Assure you; We're Open...Just Under a New Name!

Happy 2013 everyone!

It has been ages since I have posted anything here. For a variety of personal reasons, 2012 was not conducive to writing anything. It was a year for trying to keep my head above water. But here in the new year, I decided to take a look at the 'ol blog and think about if I even wanted to keep it open and if I did, what did I want it to be? The days of me pouring all my angst out for anyone to read are over. I am just not comfortable being that open anymore and honestly, life is not so bad. So if I wasn't going to ramble on about the hell inside my head, which some people seemed to enjoy, then what should I do, if anything? After giving it some thought, the answer became, if not clear, at least a bit more obvious. They (whoever they are) say you should write about what you know. I know about being a geek. I have been one since before it was a thing. From the time I was very young and watched Planet of the Apes, the Six Million Dollar Man and Space 1999, I was hooked on all things geeky. It went into hyperdrive when I was nine and had the life changing experience of seeing Star Wars.

Hence the new blog title. New year, new me, new blog. This is not the blog you are looking for. And if I have to explain what the title references, then you are really reading the wrong blog.

The posts will probably be shorter, or at least short for me; I do tend to prattle on. But hopefully they will be fun and maybe a little interesting. In short, I will post about the geeky stuff I like. There will be a lot of Star Wars, I warn you of that now.

So I invite you to stick around. Feel free to let me know what you think.

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